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World AIDS Day: Intersectionality and the Future of the Movement

“There is no such thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” – Audre Lorde

While the past year has seen remarkable advances in HIV from prevention to policy – the challenges with HIV remains burdened and entrenched among the most vulnerable communities across the United States.

At this moment in our movement, we must rethink, reevaluate, and reconsider what it takes to truly achieve “getting to zero”.

Today on World AIDS Day – the Counter Narrative Project, Positive Women’s Network – USA, Transgender Law Center, Women with a Vision and the HIV Prevention Justice Alliance have come together in a statement on Intersectionality, HIV Justice and the Future of Our Movement.* We aim to provide a bold new perspective in creating a more inclusive and transformative movement to address structural injustice and inequities that persist among the communities we serve, while promoting social justice and human rights.

A statement written in two parts, the World AIDS Day statement will provide an introduction of intersectionality and its value to our movement. A second part will continue the conversation on intersectionality and opportunities for using it in our collective work moving into 2015.

We invite you to read and share this statement, as well as engage and discuss with us on how intersectionality can transform your local work and efforts.

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